Dieter Bubeck, PhD
IAESS President University of StuttgartDepartment of Sport and Exercise Science, Lecturer and Scientist
School Allmandring 28 Stuttgart 70569 Germanypostal
Work Phone: +49 (0)711 – 685 63177work
Work Fax: +49 (0)711 – 685 53177workfax
Work Email: dieter.bubeck@sport.uni-stuttgart.deINTERNET
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Dieter is a member of the scientific staff at the Dep. of Sport- and Exercise Science with expertise in exercise physiology and outdoor education. He was a former member of the professional ski teacher team of the The German Ski Instructor Association (DSLV) and a member of ISIA. As a former decathlete he is a passionate training expert. Besides skiing, telemarking and cross country skiing in winter, he is a passionate mountainbiker.
Allmandring 28 Stuttgart 70569 Germany
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