1 Name and domicile
1.1 The association carries the title „ International Association Snow Sports in Schools and Universities” (IVVS)
1.2 The “International Association Snow Sports in Schools and Universities” is a member of the “International Association for teaching skiing” (IVS).
1.3 The IVVS is located in the country where the president comes from.
2 Intention
2.1 Support of snow sports for all pupils in educational institutions and training institutions.
This takes place with the help of experience exchange and exchange of results of research, for example in the following fields of skiing and related sports to skiing:
- Organisation
- Training and retraining for teachers
- Technology and methodology
- Medical questions according to skiing
- Security and environment protection
- Contests
2.2 Among other things the association performs its tasks by
- Permanent contact with INTERSKI International (IVS)
- The realization of the “International congress Snow Sports in Schools and Universities” in periodical intervals, as well as workshops and seminars
- Exchange of teaching materials and learning materials
- Participation in events
- Contact and cooperation with international and national organisations, which deal with skiing and snow sports.
3 Members
3.1 Member of IVSS can be a national association or organisation, which deals with skiing and snow sports in schools and/or universities.
3.2 The member (nation) must also be a member of the International Association for
teaching Skiing (IVS).
3.3 A nation can only be represented as a member in the IVSS by one institution and a nation can be only represented by one vote (delegate with an active and passive right to vote).
3.4 The application for admission in the IVSS has to send in written form to the executive committee. The delegates’ conference decides on the admission.
3.5 The application has to be approved by the National Association for Teaching skiing and/ or by the administration which is responsible for the school system and/or universities.
3.6 The members are committed to announce all changes in the association in written form.
3.7 Institutions (universities, colleges) of countries, which are no member of INTERSKI or in which no national organisation represents the field schools and universities, can be a special (correspondent) member of the IVSS.
3.8 Institutions (universities, colleges) of INTERSKI member countries can only become a special member of the IVSS with the agreement of the national INTERSKI member countries.
3.9 Special members have an advisory vote.
4 Organs of the association
Organs of the IVSS are:
1. Delegates’ conference
2. Executive committee
3. Expert committees
5 Delegates’ conference
5.1 Every two years the delegates’ conference takes place publicly if possible in connection with the international congress or the Interski congress.
5.2 The delegates’ conference consists of delegates from the member nations.
5.3 Entitled to vote with one voice is the leader of the delegates or his/ her representative.
5.4 The tasks of the delegates’ conference are:
a) The acceptance of reports of the executive committee and the members
b) Approval of the work plan
c) Elections
d) Resolution of the acceptance of new members
e) Resolution of bylaws changes
f) Resolution of elimination
g) Elimination
5.5 The invitation for the delegates’ conference happens in written form through the executive committee. The appointment and the agenda have to announce at least two months before. Applications concerning to the delegates’ conference have to submit in written form to the president by one month before the assembly takes place.
5.6 The delegates’ conference has the quorum, when minimum one third of the member nations attend.
5.7 The delegates’ conference decides with ordinary resolution of the attendant, members who are entitled to vote, if the bylaws do not dictate anything else.
6 Executive committee
6.1 The executive committee consist of 7 members who are elected by the delegates’ conference. The term in office requires until the next election, normally four years.
6.2 The 7 members of the executive committee elect from their fold the president and the vice president.
6.3 The president nominates a secretary general who has no voting rights und who needs the consent of the executive committee.
6.4 The chairman of the executive committee is the president or his representative and he fulfils in particular the following tasks:
a) External representation of the IVSS and in INTERSKI International (IVS)
b) Calling and administration of the executive committee and the delegates’ conference.
6.5 For passing decisions, more than half the members of the executive committee have to present and the decisions are passed with ordinary resolution.
6.6 The executive committee has to achieve the decisions of the delegates’ conference, to process transactions and to prepare the “International Congress Skiing in Schools and Universities”.
6.7 The executive committee meets if necessary, normally once a year
6.8 When a member releases during his/ her term in office, the national working team of the concerning member can send a new representative. Immediately, the executive committee (secretary general) has to be informed in written form about this fact and it achieves validation after arriving.
6.9 Functions can be accorded honorary and unlimited on application of a committee member
7 Committees of experts
7.1 For the realization of tasks of the working team, if necessary, there can be built committees of experts by the executive committee or the delegates’ conference.
7.2 A committee of experts is controlled by a chairman who can be coopted in the executive committee (without a vote).
8 Languages
The IVSS uses the following official languages, German, English and French.
9 Financing
The IVSS raises their funds by the use of:
a) Financial contributions of the IVS
b) Contributions from public authorities
c) Donations from private enterprises and persons
The funds are administrated by the secretary general and the president (or rather his representative) and the secretary general has the authority to sign.
10 Change of bylaws
The bylaws can only be changed by the delegates’ conference, to do this; a two-thirds majority is essential of the delegates who are attendant and who have the right to vote.
Intended changes of bylaws have to announce in the invitation for the delegates’ conference and they have to present as a concept in conjunction with the invitation.
11 Dissolution
11.1 The dissolution of the working team can only be decided by the delegates’ conference which is called up because of this intention.
During this conference three-fourths of the members have to be represented.
The dissolution decision needs a three- fourths majority of the delegates who are attendant and who have the right to vote.
11.2 The resolutive delegates’ conference decides on the use of the funds, which are available after the dissolution.